Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Barolo allows non-cork closures

Barolo allows non cork closures by Italian Wine & Food in China

Anche il Barolo rinuncia al tappo di sughero italian_flag.jpg

A fare da apripista l’Agricola Brandini di La Morra che per l’annata 2011 utilizzerĂ  per copertura tappi alternativi ecologici derivati dalla canna da zucchero.

source: La Repubblica - see full article

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Top 5 Italian wine region

Top 5 Italian wine region by Italian Wine & Food in China

2015 - Veneto is again the top producer, with 9.3 million hl (wine and must)
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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

-3.48% Italian wine in China

-3.48% Italian wine in China by Italian Wine & Food in China

In the first half year of 2015, it seemed that the wine market was rebounding.

According to data from CAWS (China Association of Importer & Export of Wine & Spirit), 1st semester of 2015 saw imported wine total +30.7% (value, year/year), bottled wine category (which excludes sparkling and bulk wine) +33.2% (value, year/year).

-3.48% Italian bottled wine in China

Italy, the 5th largest exporter with 4.79% market share, registered an increase of + 21,20% in quantity (over 15 million bottles), but a decrease of 3.48% in value (about 37 million Euro), as a result the average price dropped below 2.5 Euro/bottle (750 ml)
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Thursday, July 30, 2015

The world currently enjoys a two-billion-cup-a-day habit

two billion coffee cups by Italian Wine & Food in China

How can we ensure that we get that caffeine fix in a turbulent climate?

BBC News article

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Top 10 Italian wines

Top 3 Italian wines by Italian Wine & Food in China

IRI (International Research Institute), provided at Vinitaly wine fair a ranking of the “10 most popular wines for Italians” considering wines sold in Italian supermarkets, in all types of formats in 2014.

Ranked first is Lambrusco, with 13.3 million liters. Follow Chianti (11.7 million), Bonarda (8 million), Barbera (7.7), Montepulciano (7.6), Chardonnay (7), Sangiovese (6.3), Nero d’Avola (5.8) , Vermentino (5.7) and Prosecco (5).

Monday, April 13, 2015

Pasta: Italy is worldwide market leader

Italy pasta market leader by Italian Wine & Food in ChinaWith 26 kg consumption per capita per year - at least a daily portion of 70 gr - Italians are the biggest pasta lovers. Venezuela is second with 12,3 kg and Tunisia third with 11,7 kg.

Not only consumption, Italy is also leader in production figures with 3,3 millions of tons annually, second is USA with 2 millions of toms and third place goes to Brazil with 1,1 million tons.