Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Castello di Montepò, Sassoalloro IGT

Sassoalloro IGT by Italian Wine & Food in China

Castello di Montepò (Jacopo Biondi Santi), Sassoalloro 2005, IGT Tuscany Red

Region: Tuscany
Grape: 100% Sangiovese Grosso
Alchol: 14%
Ageing: 14 months oak barrique

AIS Tasting Sheet
Visual Analysis: ruby red, limpid, consistent
Olfactory Analysis: intense, fine, quite complex: fruity, spicy, ethereal
Taste-Olfactory Analysis: dry, warm, soft; quite fresh, tannic, quite sapid; balanced, quite intense, quite persistent, fine; mature to old, quite harmonious

Price: 400 RMB (discounted)

Drunk with a good friend, matched with grilled sausages and potatoes, enjoyed in a lively atmosphere at La Vite restaurant on Wulumuqi Rd, Shanghai

Sassoalloro IGT by Italian Wine & Food in China
Photo courtesy of F. Cioni

La Vite restaurant by Italian Wine & Food in China
Photo courtesy of